Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gnashing of Teeth

Reporter: What exactly is Mr. Obama doing about the health care problem?

Bob Gibbs: The president is currently hard at work on this huge problem. Fifty million Americans have no health insurance at all -- and who knows how many Americans have insurance that is so crappy they almost never use it! I mean, it's bad.

Reporter: Yes, but that wasn't the question.

Bob Gibbs: Oh, right. [Long pause] What was the question?

Reporter: What exactly is the president doing about the problem.

Bob Gibbs: Sure. He's doing all kinds of things. So many things I can't even keep up. But I can tell you that it is not just empty words and arm waving. It also includes lots and lots of bruxism.

Reporter: Really?

Bob Gibbs: Absolutely. Michelle can't sleep in the same room with him anymore. She says it sounds like someone trying to scratch out of their own coffin.

Reporter: Yeah, about that. Some guys in the Secret Service started a rumor that that's just Dick Cheney trying to freak them out.

Bob Gibbs: A rumor?

Reporter: It's unconfirmed but it could be true. Cheney's a bastard.

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